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Leadership SIG - The Future of Leadership: Letting Go of the Past

  • 02/22/2022
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Via Zoom (Link to be sent to registrants)

Early in the pandemic, many assumed there would be a couple months of inconvenience followed by a return to normal.  After two years, we realize there is no going back to a world we knew before Covid. In this SIG, we will explore this new normal and how leaders best navigate in a post-Covid perpetual VUCA world (VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity).

  • Among the questions we will discuss are:

  • What are the implications on our lives in a perpetual VUCA world?
  • What old patterns of thinking must leaders let go of and what new patterns must replace them?
  • What can we do as OD practitioners to facilitate this transition?

This topic is sparked by a new book, New Spectrum Thinking, written by Bob Johanson. I brought Bob in as a consultant when I was the head of OD at Food Lion. His foresights shifted our leaderships’ thinking about the future of the food industry and how we must change to be successful. In his book, he speaks to how a full spectrum mindset is required to start to make sense out of ourselves, the world around us, and the future.

Please come join us for what I know will be an engaging conversation.

Bob Stapleton

TODN Leadership SIG Facilitator

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