Change SIG - 10/25/2019

10/25/2019 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

Organizational Patterns - The Influence of Family Dynamics at Work  (Coffee/tea/snacks)
or years, we have discussed how we inherit our physical DNA and now the world of Systemics and Epigenetics is highlighting how we inherit and are deeply, yet unconsciously influenced by our emotional DNA.  Furthermore, we bring the patterns of emotional DNA into the workplace with us influencing our sense of belonging and our connection to our work environment and goals.

At the same time, organizations have their own set of Systemic Dynamics.  Consider how founders give birth to a business, how employees interact and fit in with their peers, and how organizations have rules and ranking.

Learn about some dynamics and hidden systemic patterns that can influence organizational and individual effectiveness. Participate in a systemic exercise or two.  Ponder the following: 

  • Have you ever experienced a situation where a person is fired, escorted out of the building and nothing is ever said? The subsequent hire leaves quickly, the next one is asked to leave, and the position becomes difficult to fill. 
  • What about a family owned business where the children kick the parent founders out only to find that they struggle to keep the business afloat?  Or maybe the parents hang on, never allowing the children to grow the business. 
  • What happens when you work with a manager who cannot make a decision or keeps changing the rules?  How about when you have multiple options and cannot make a clear choice?

Mindy Schrager, MBA, is an ICF ACC-credentialed coach and Founder of Systems of Change, LLC whose passion for transformational work grew out of her own personal journey. Her knowledge of change management and transformation came from her leadership roles at world class companies such as Nolan Norton & Co, Motorola, Fidelity Investments, and IBM. A series of health issues combined with 360-feedback at work, led her on an extensive personal transformation journey. These parallel paths built on her fascination with solving puzzles and identifying patterns and created her drive for collaboration, transformation and results with business teams and individuals.  
--  Having worked with hundreds of business teams and experienced and learned a myriad of transformational tools, Mindy has become a catalyst for change. She has also seen first-hand the parallels between our personal and work lives. This parallel has been further highlighted through her extensive study of systemic constellations – we truly do bring our families to work with us.

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough(919-493-5424).

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